Mass Intentions

Any individual may ask a priest to offer a Mass for several reasons for example:

  • Give intentions to mark an anniversary.

  • Give intentions for healing those suffering from illness.

  • Give intentions for a person who has passed and for the repose of their soul.

The graces that flow from the Sacrifice of the Mass befit our souls and the souls of others through prayer and meditation.  Pope Leo XIII in 1902 wrote: “The grace of mutual love among the living, strengthened and increased by the sacrament of the Eucharist, flows, especially by virtue of the Sacrifice, to all who belong to the communion of saints. For the communion of saints is simply … the mutual sharing of help, atonement, prayers and benefits among the faithful, those already in the heavenly fatherland, those consigned to the purifying fire, and those still making their pilgrim way here on earth. These all form one city, whose head is Christ, and whose vital principle is love. Faith teaches that although the august Sacrifice can be offered to God alone, it can nevertheless be celebrated in honor of the saints now reigning in Heaven with God, who has crowned them, to obtain their intercession for us, and also, according to apostolic tradition, to wash away the stains of those brethren who died in the Lord but without yet being wholly purified.”

The unity of the Church includes our relationships with each other and with the poor souls in purgatory, as well as the Saints in heaven. It has always been a practice of the Church to pray for the dead. One way the practice is carried out is by remembering those who have gone before us in faith is by having a Mass celebrated for them. Daily Mass intentions are listed in the bulletin.

Mass intentions may also be offered for those who are ill as well as for family, friends and special occasions for loved ones. A stipend (gift) of $10 for such a request should be sent to the office before the Mass is celebrated. If you would like to have a Mass celebrated, please call the Cathedral Office at:

(614) 224-1295 or [email protected]