From the Rector’s Desk…


In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we see the beginnings of the institution of the order of deacon.  The Apostles were being overwhelmed with requests for food and financial assistance for the poorer members of their flocks, namely widows.   Seven reputable men were chosen to oversee the distribution of the resources of the community.  They were brought to the Apostles who laid hands on them and prayed over them, the sign of conferral of ordination.  These ordained men freed the apostles for prayer and preaching the Gospel.  The term deacon was eventually applied to this order of ordained men.  It is a word that means servant.  Eventually, deacons would also participate in preaching and teaching.  We know that one of these men, Stephen, would be martyred for preaching Jesus as the messiah and savior.  Deacons are the third degree of the sacrament of Holy Orders after bishop and priest.   They are ordained for ministry and service.  They assist the priest and the bishop at the Eucharist.  They cannot celebrate Mass, hear confessions, anoint the sick or confer the sacrament of confirmation.  Yet, deacons can baptize, proclaim the Gospel at Mass, preach, witness weddings and conduct funeral rites.  They also can have roles of administration in the Church.  Because of its original purpose, deacons often have a ministry of charity within the life of the Church.  We are blessed to have many men functioning in our diocese as deacons.   This past Friday, Bishop Fernandes ordained four men to the Order of the Deacon: Tyler Carter, Jason Fox, Michael Haemmerle, and David Johnstone.  These four men are also in formation for ordination to the priesthood.  They will spend at least a year as deacons before that ordination.  Let us pray for our permanent deacons and those in formation to the priesthood.


The Appeal

Last week, we began the annual diocesan Appeal in our parish.   The Appeal is the major source of funding for the many ministries of the Diocese of Columbus.  It seeks to raise 7 million dollars in order to support evangelization efforts in our parishes, schools, and college campuses.  Appeal dollars also provide tuition assistance for our Catholic schools.  It funds seminarian education and the formation of candidates for the priesthood and permanent diaconate.  We are blessed to see this support for one of our own parishioners, PeterClaver Kasasa Kiviiri.  Deacon PeterClaver will be ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Columbus on Saturday, May 27th at 10 am, right here at St. Joseph Cathedral.  The Appeal also supports the local Churchs efforts to help the poor, a need which we see on a regular basis in our parish. Each parish is given a goal to help meet the diocesan goal.  St. Joseph Cathedral is asked to raise $42,645.24.  This is a very achievable goal for our parish.   With approximately 450 families, a $100 contribution from each family would more than meet the goal.  Many of us can give much more than that.  Others cannot.  Your gift, small or great, will certainly help us meet the goal.  Pledge envelopes are in the pews and in the back of the church.  I thank you for your prayers and generosity.


Parish Planning Meeting

A joint parish planning meeting of the Cathedral parish and Holy Cross parish is being schedule for Sunday, May 21st at 11:30 am in the undercroft.  This meeting will help bring our two parishes together into one which will occur on July 1st.  Many things need to be discussed and planned in the meantime.  At this meeting, we wish to discuss the development of a mission statement and possible branding of the combined parish for bulletin, website and signage purposes.  We seek your input.  I hope you are able to participate in this important meeting.

Have a blessed week!

Fr. Kitsmiller